
Peridot - 04

  • $155.00
- 0%

I am revitalised and reinvigorated to take on a new challenge. I feel realigned with life force energy.

Peridot is a powerful mineral that removes low vibrations of jealousy and bitterness and makes way for a fresh new attitude and approach. Incorporate Peridot into your life to feel energised and optimistic. 

Unearthed in: Pakistan
Approximate Size: 2.4 x 2.5cm



Peridot is a powerful mineral that removes low vibrations of jealousy and bitterness and makes way for a fresh new attitude and approach. Incorporate Peridot into your life to feel energised and optimistic. 

Wear or carry Peridot to heal and move on from past experiences and 'give it another go'.

Add Peridot to an altar or crystal grid to incorporate heart cleansing energy to your intentions.  



Peridot is a magnesium-rich gem variety of Olivine (Forsterite)with its colour due to iron. Known for it's lily-pad inclusions and grassy green hue, Peridot can vary from a deep olive green to a pale yellowy-green.

Crystallising in the orthorhombic crystal system these crystals are brittle and often found as water worn pebbles making well-formed crystals hard to find.



Peridot is brittle and should avoid rubbing against other stones.

MOHs hardness: 6.5-7
To learn more about Crystal Care click here


Yes, our crystals are ethically sourced & sold.

Read more:
Ethical mining/sourcing refers to the conditions in which a crystal is unearthed and the people and/or businesses that do it. Whilst a mineral may be sourced ethically from the earth, many stones are sent to factories in other countries for cutting and polishing into spheres and generators. 

The label of ethics also applies to the selling and consumer purchasing. 

Crystals must be correctly identified, certified as natural with any treatments disclosed. Too often crystals are lab grown or treated in a lab and sold as natural. This is incredibly important to us (and our in-house gemmologist) so each piece is tested and certified and accompanied by and authenticity card.

We pride ourselves on our crystal ethics, from earth to home.