Balancing softness and strength for personal growth.

By Stacey Lim

Knowing when to lean into softness or strength is the greatest tool of all.

the duality of love

Two key aspects of self tough love are self compassion and self discipline. You need them both, like we all need both masculine and feminine influences as children, as adults we need to harness both parts of ourselves. 

Getting the balance right is key - always living in your "get s#!t done" energy will lead to burnout. Always sitting in your "whatever will be will be" may hold you back from taking critical action needed to manifest change.

the what and the how

rituals for balancing your duality

A daily practice to tune into your masculine and feminine sides is a great place to find daily alignment.

Creating your own space for self connection and lenaing into discipline to implement the ritual in itself is a balanced act.