time to meditate

Your guide to starting a meditation practice.

- Stacey Lim, Meditation Therapist

“Meditation is the basis of mindfulness and mindfulness is the basis of rituals. Rituals are the gateway to transformation.“

When it comes to the benefits, this is where the words “no brainer” come to mind - pun intended.

  • Regular meditation has been linked to numerous health benefits, including lower blood pressure, improved immune function, and enhanced cardiovascular health. 

  • It is a powerful stress-management tool. It helps activate the body's relaxation response, reducing the production of stress hormones and promoting a sense of calm.

  • Through sustained practice, meditation enhances cognitive functions such as focus and concentration. It cultivates mental clarity and sharpens awareness.

  • Meditation aids in relaxation, making it an effective tool for those struggling with insomnia or sleep disturbances. A calm mind facilitates a peaceful transition into restful sleep.

Basic Meditation:

  1. Sit or lay down somewhere comfortable.
  2. Close your eyes and consciously scan through your body ensuring all muscles are relaxed.
  3. Bring your focus to your breath; breathing in deeply into your belly through your nose, exhaling through your mouth. Ensure your exhale is longer than your inhale. In for 3, out for 5 is a good pace to start. This breath length assists to calm the nervous system.
  4. Tune in or tune out. Bring your awareness INSIDE to your breath or to a single thought, feeling, word or mantra. Or take your awareness OUTSIDE to the sounds of nature & life around you, calming music or a guided meditation.
  5. At the end of your practice this is a great mental space to journal any thoughts, reflections and feelings - including some gratitude towards yourself.

Embark on this journey with an open mind, allowing meditation to gradually unfold as a powerful tool for cultivating a calmer and more mindful existence.