This ritual experience is perfect for you if:
• You have made a commitment to self-care
• You would like to feel loved and safe within your own skin
• You are seeking a daily moment to connect to your own needs + desires
Through this sensory ritual you will:
• Create space and time that is just for you and your self-care
• Learn how to listen to your own heart and what you need to feel best each day
• Learn to lead from a space of kindness and compassion towards self and others
This heart centered experience is anchored in a ritual using:
1. Bi-colour tourmaline crystal
2. Heart Centred aroma roller
3. 15 minute guided meditation
These tools work together to create the safe space and vibration for tuning inwards and listening to the messages from your heart, body and soul.

The Heart Centred Experience is a ritual designed for you to experience at home, on your own time, as often as you like.
Each of the elements of this experience (crystal, aroma, meditation) are available for purchase separately. We have also curated a collection of heart centered crystals for those that wish to incorporate other crystals into their ritual.

Any time you seek a reconnection to your heart centre of love and belonging, this is your ritual. Consider this practice a tool in your belt that you can lean on in times of need.
A 15 minute guided meditation taking you on a visual and sensory journey to connect your heart and Self.
Enhanced by the scent of the aroma blend, lay back, relax and enjoy the journey.