In our busy lives allowing ourselves a moment of pause seems indulgent, a luxury even. But as we fill each and every bit of time and space with endless scrolling, notifications, news feeds and social feeds - are we truly too busy to find time connect with ourselves? What if we took the everyday and mundane and turned it into something precious and spacious? What if we gave ourselves permission to use these small moments as self-care?
By becoming more present when we usually tune out, we can start to create space for quiet and calm so we can come back to ourselves in this present moment.
Micro rituals are the small moments we usually spend on auto pilot, the little pockets of time throughout our day that are often overlooked and are usually the times we might follow up with picking up our phones. If we look at these moments through a different lens - as a way to create more time and spaciousness in our day, then these small tasks take on a new meaning.
Tuning back into a more mindful space brings us back to the present, so that we may live deeply and authentically.

Some small things you can do to consciously connect back to the present moment:
* Resist the urge to pick up your phone first thing in the morning. Try spending the first 30mins getting ready in the morning doing at least one mindful activity. This could be getting some sunlight on your face, drinking a glass of water, breath work or movement/exercise.
* Turn small daily tasks into moments of mindfulness - while you are doing the dishes etc. Take notice of the water on your hands, the feeling, you could imagine the water washing away thoughts or energy. Take a few deep breaths and connect back into your body. This is a great time to reset with an intention.
* Use an aromatherapy roller blend. Find yourself some quiet space and time. Apply it to your wrist pulse points, across the back of your neck, temples or to the soles of your feet. If you prefer, you can apply it to the palm of your hands, rubbing them together to warm the oils then cup over your nose. Breath in deeply, allow these precious oils to guide you to greater clarity, focus and awareness. Explore our aromatherapy oils here.
* While you are waiting in a waiting line or on your commute or daily walk, try tuning into your senses. Close your eyes - feel the air, notice the smells and the sounds you can hear. Take a deep breath through your nose feeling the air fill your lungs and stomach. As you exhale, relax your shoulders and feel the tension drop away.
Use these mindful micro rituals as a practice to lean on when you are overwhelmed, want to break a negative thought pattern or in need of a circuit breaker.

Some suggestions for some more intentional micro rituals:
* Breathing exercises
* Journaling
* Pulling an Oracle or Tarot Card
* Making a coffee/tea/cacao
* Lighting incense or a candle
* Meditation
* Using an aromatherapy blend
* Going out side barefoot
* Using a diffuser oil
* Clearing/cleansing a space with sage/palo santo
By combining these micro rituals with small acts of mindfulness you can layer your intentions and rituals to create a daily practice that you can lean on to help you feel more connected, fulfilled and balanced.