Sleeping well is more than getting your 8 hours, it’s about the depth and quality of your sleep. These precious hours of rest are crucial to our health and wellbeing as it’s a time for our body to repair and our mind to process the day.
The Slumber Aroma Roller was created to maximise your ability to unwind and experience a deep, restorative sleep. A bedtime ritual promotes stress reduction and deep relaxation making it easier to fall and stay asleep.
When we sleep well, we wake-up feeling more positive, calm and clear of mind - giving us a greater capacity for gratitude and joy.
- Create an optimal environment to support your bedtime ritual. Dim your lights (turn off screens), wash off the day and slip into your comfy pjs.
- Sit on your bed and take 3 slow, deep, mindful belly-breaths. With each exhale, allow your body to release tension and relax; anchoring in the present.
- Apply your aroma roller on the soles of your feet, collar bones and a little in the palm of your hands.
- Gently rub your hands together, to warm the liquid. Close your eyes and raise your cupped hands to your nose. Deeply inhale the aroma to let your mind and body know ‘We are safe, we are calm. It is time for sleep’.
- Slide under the blankets, and gently drift off in a peaceful slumber.

The way in which we “wind down” before sleep is crucial to falling asleep with ease as much as it is in experiencing a high quality of rest. The purpose of the wind-down is to ensure our nervous system is supported in triggering the biological response for sleep.
It is well known that scent plays a powerful role in connecting to the hippocampus, the part of our brain which stores memory and emotion. Certain aromas elicit particular thoughts and emotions and can trigger our amygdala (reptilian brain) to switch us in and out of a stress response. If you find your mind racing or still ticking over thoughts from the day, your body fidgeting and you’re unable to get comfortable - chances are you are in ‘fight-or-flight’ response.
Slumber has become a staple in our house. The kids enjoy using their roller and we enjoy a good night of sleep. The diffuser goes on every night without fail!
Diana - NSW