Limonite Quartz - 10

  • $155.00
- 0%

I feel refreshed and reinvigorated with a flow of optimism and abundance. I feel safe to welcome in the opportunities I deserve.


These Quartz specimens from Bulgaria have a fine coating of Limonite, an iron oxide mineral, that add a grounding and vibrant energy to this already powerful Quartz.


Unearthed in: Djurkovo Mine, Bulgaria
Stone size:  8.5 x 4.5 x 3.5cm approx




An alternative to Citrine, Limonite Quartz has a strong and masculine energy that can be helpful in opening up the solar plexus and base chakras. A stone for abundance and positive attitudes, lean on limonite when you need that gentle push towards stepping out of your comfort zone.

Limonite Quartz brings feelings of safety and stability when we feel out of our depth. place in a crystal grid with heart and crown chakra stones to assist in calling in abundance of love.




Limonite is an iron oxide mineral, often with varying amounts of water, and is a secondary deposit. The mineral can produce yellow through to brown hues and can be found in volcanic environments along with Quartz.

Whilst Quartz is known for its clarity and well-formed crystals, these pieces are prized for their inclusions and surface coatings of Limonite making them unusual and collectable.

Found typically as prismatic crystals, singly or doubly terminated, often as single or twinned crystals, clusters and fine druses in cavities and geodes. Quartz belongs to the trigonal crystal system and is typically terminated with 2 sets of three rhombohedra, major and minor (6 faces total).

MOHs hardness: 7



Although crystals have survived hundreds of thousands to millions of years (wow) in our earth they are still delicate and must be treated with TLC. 

The limonite is mostly coated on the outside of these pieces and so care must be taken when handling. Clean only with a soft dry brush and be gentle.

Cleanse - SUN! These pieces don't fade....

Crystal Care click here


Yes, our crystals are ethically sourced & sold.

Read more:
Ethical mining/sourcing refers to the conditions in which a crystal is unearthed and the people and/or businesses that do it. Whilst a mineral may be sourced ethically from the earth, many stones are sent to factories in other countries for cutting and polishing into spheres and generators. 

The label of ethics also applies to the selling and consumer purchasing. 

Crystals must be correctly identified, certified as natural with any treatments disclosed. Too often crystals are lab grown or treated in a lab and sold as natural. This is incredibly important to us (and our in-house gemmologist) so each piece is tested and certified and accompanied by and authenticity card.

We pride ourselves on our crystal ethics, from earth to home.